Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Happened?

            Ok, wow, putting what just happened into words is going to be hard, but here goes.  Last night I talked to my mom about what I knew, or thought I knew.  She denied all of it, maintaining that Don was just a consultant and that she knew nothing about his involvement with a “mob.”  She told me that she was paying me out of her pocket and that I should trust her more.
            But this morning, I heard her screaming on the phone, saying things like “I’ll talk to him” and “please don’t come.”  About two hours ago there was a knock on the door.  I opened it and he said, “Jeremy?”
            I nodded and then woke up in my mom’s back room, where she keeps the studio’s supplies.  I tried to move but was tied to the chair I was in.  The man must have heard me because he came in as soon as I was awake. 
            “Your mother tells me that you’ve learned some interesting things about this business recently,” the man said.  I tried to respond but he spoke over me as soon as I opened my mouth, “You have two options Jeremy.  The first, you take what’s in my hand and become my employee.” 
            “Or you’re going to kill me?”  I asked with a hint of sarcasm.
            The man lowered his face to mine.  I could smell alcohol on his breath as he whispered “Precisely.”
            So I took the envelope and he told me he would be emailing me instructions within 24 hours.  But the thing is, it wasn’t completely horrible after I agreed to work for him.  Here’s what was in the envelope:

            Maybe working for this guy is the best way to reach my million-dollar goal…

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely crazy! Depending on where you want your life to go I have heard you can make some good money in the mob. I wouldn't let them know about this blog though they may not be to pleased...
